



prep time


bake time


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made by adriana!#1337 on discord !!

8 Ingredients

6 Method Steps

    Step 1
    take ur butter, cinnamon powder, light brown sugar and mix it all together to create a cinnamon butter, this is what will be spread on your bread.
    Step 2
    next, set your cinnamon butter aside and take your bread - cut off the crust, and roll each piece out flat, once this is finished spread your cinnamon butter onto each piece. (when this is finished, roll them up tightly)
    Step 3
    set these aside for a second, grab a shallow large bowl and pour in your milk, vanilla essence and add your 2 eggs - beat until fully combined. now youre going to take the rolls and dip them into this mixture.
    Step 4
    after this, you will now set them into a pan at medium heat until they are golden brown - ensure to flip every 2 minutes or so.
    Step 5
    while they’re sizzling, take your granulated sugar and cinnamon powder and mix them until you get a light browny sugar. once you have taken out your rolls from the pan you shall coat the rolls in your sugar mix.
    Step 6
    AND VIOLA ! you have just made adris famous cinnamon toast rolls ! ENJOY

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